
 Nepean Men's Shed

18 Simeon Road, Orchard Hills NSW 2748

The basic idea of each Men's Shed is to provide a local, informal space where men of a Community can spend time engaged in manual crafts such as woodworking, metal working, restoration of furniture, just to mention a few. It is also a place where men can just come together for a yarn or two over a cuppa, if that's all they are looking for.

The Shed is a place for men to be socially active and form friendships, allows new opportunities for activities and interaction in their lives. You might also see a few younger men working with older men, learning something about life and adjusting to getting older. Some men are using tools and skills for the first time whilst experienced tradesmen mentor them while also honing their own existing skills. The shed environment is friendly and importantly, there is no pressure.

There are also many groups ready to help such as Beyond Blue and especially the members.  So come and join us and become part of a friendly group of guys.
